
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.


The purpose of the mentoring program is to assist members of West Georgia Beekeepers Association in their beekeeping efforts. You must request this assistance and you must be a member.

When you make a written request on the form provided, we will attempt to provide a mentor in your area who has the most experience for your particular goals and equipment. Your mentor will be available for telephone consultation as well as scheduled visits to your apiary on a limited basis. There is no charge for this service as it is one of the benefits of being a member of West Georgia Beekeepers Association. However, on a voluntary basis, we do suggest you offer to offset your mentors cost by offering to provide some assistance with gas funds.

Your mentor will not do the work for you, he or she will guide you. You must do the work under his direction and suggestions. You must provide your own tools. Your mentor will not use his tools to inspect your hives; there is too much danger of spreading disease.

We cannot guarantee a mentor in all situations but at the very least, an experienced beekeeper will consult with you.


  • Mentors should advise and educate the Mentee. Explain situations that exist and the likely causes. Encourage the Mentee to evaluate situations and make decisions. The Mentor must make sure the Mentee understands that there is a risk of failure with any course of action and failures will occur. Learn from the failures. Link to application form.
  • Mentors should expect to visit with Mentees 3 - 4 times a year to discuss seasonal changes and needs as agreed upon with their Mentee.
  • Mentors should respond to calls from their Mentees as soon as possible.
  • Mentors should not charge for their services but gifts or gratuities are acceptable. IE: gas money.
  • If any problem occurs with your Mentee, contact the Mentor Program Coordinator as soon as possible.


  • Mentees must join West Georgia Beekeepers Association and complete the Mentor Request Application to participate in the program. Link to forms page.
  • Mentees are expected to take the Beginning Beekeeper course offered by West Georgia Beekeepers Association.
  • Mentees are expected to do their own research prior to requesting a mentor and be ready to discuss the situation and their opinions with their Mentor.
  • Your Mentor's goal is to advise and educate you. Mentors can provide valuable insights based on their experience and education that can assist you in making decisions and selecting a course of action. Your Mentor is not there to tell you what to do and there is always a risk of failure.
  • Mentors are encouraged to gain knowledge and experience by helping their Mentor with his or her beekeeping tasks around the Mentors apiary.
  • Be respectful of your mentor's time. Be prepared before your mentor arrives. Get everything ready you will need for that day's visit. IE: Hive body, smoker, hive tool and whatever else will be needed that day.
  • If any problem should arise with your Mentor, contact the Mentor Program Coordinator immediately.